Monday, March 4, 2024

identity exercise: effortlessly inclusive

I love the idea of being thought of as effortlessly inclusive.  What a sweet moniker!

For most of my life, I never felt like I belonged anywhere.  I've had lots good friends, but always just felt kind of "alien" to everyone.  Even in my family, I always felt like I was different, like I didn't belong with them.  I remember as a pre-teen, asking my mom if I was adopted because I felt like I wasn't like my siblings or parents.  I didn't really feel like I fit in as I was, so I made myself into someone who would look like they fit into whatever group I was a part of.  I always thought something was intrinsically wrong with me.  I was always worried that someday the jig would be up; everyone would realize I was an imposter and reject me.  

Knowing how it feels to believe one doesn't belong anywhere, I want people in my sphere of influence to feel like they are valuable and important, just as they are.  I'll admit, it's really not effortless!  As a shy introvert, I find it hard to reach out and invite people in sometimes.  But I guess the learned skill of remaking myself has come in handy in this case!  I'd rather others feel welcome around me than uncomfortable, so I try to push past my own discomfort and include people in whatever group I'm a part of.

I've never really thought about the blessing behind feeling like I don't belong; it's always been a sad thing for me.  But looking at it now, I feel like it's been something that God has redeemed by making me into someone who tries to include others and make them feel welcome.  I love seeing how God makes beauty out of the ashes of the difficult parts of life.

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