Thursday, March 14, 2024

identity exercise: generous with time


I think it's true about me that I am generous with my time and it's something I like about myself.  Ever since I can remember, I've wanted to be available to people.  

The not-so-pure part of that desire is that if I make myself available, people will value me and want me around.  That made me become a "yes" girl to my detriment a long time ago.  Eventually I crashed and ended up having to say no to everything.  Once my life was emptied of all the "doing" I was able to see how I was finding my worth in service instead of in God.  

I've slowly added things back in over the past few years - and taken things out again as I've tipped over that balance - and carefully I'm finding my way to a sweet spot.  I know I don't need to say yes to everything because I'm more centred in Christ and learning every day that my worth is in him alone.  What I do say yes to, I enjoy or I choose out of a desire to give, not a desire to take.  I get to be available to my people out of a more filled-up space rather than a "fill-me-up" space.   It's a good place.

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