Monday, February 26, 2024

identity exercise: authentic

 Is there a difference between "authentic" and "genuine"?  The dictionary says authentic means "of undisputed origin; genuine" and genuine means "truly what something is said to be; authentic."  So I guess they do mean pretty much the same thing.  

I like the way authentic is defined, though:  of undisputed origin.  To me, being called authentic is high praise then.  I want it to be undisputed that I belong to Jesus.  I want people to know that my origin story is that I was found and rescued by him.  I want people to be sure that nothing I do is in my own strength, but in Christ's strength alone.  He is the one in whom I place my trust and find my worth and value.  He is the only reason I am still even drawing breath, frankly.  If people see Jesus in me and are drawn to God because of me, that's amazing.  The older I get, the more I want more of him and less of me.  I want to be authentically his, of undisputed origin.

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