Wednesday, January 24, 2024

identity exercise: kind

I know that I am not always kind, but the older I get, the more I choose to be so.  I am so thankful that kindness is something that people see in me.

I think kindness has become more solidified in me because of how my relationship with Jesus has changed over the past few years.  I grew up relating to a God who was scary, punitive, and unapproachable.  I knew in my head that he loved me, but that love was only because I was part of the masses, and it was a disappointed kind of love.

More recently, I've begun to know God as deeply kind and gentle.  His love for me is measureless.  Through Jesus, God is completely approachable for me and I don't need to be afraid at all.  He isn't waiting with a big stick to  pounce on me as soon as I make a mistake.  Instead, he is waiting with open arms for me to run to him so he can gently lead me back to the Way.  

That sort of kindness leaves me awestruck and incredibly grateful.  As I internalize his kindness for me, I think it rises up and overflows from me into my attitude and interactions with other people.  God's kindness towards me has changed me into someone who longs to offer kindness to others.  How could I not? 

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