Thursday, December 21, 2023

identity exercise: see God's wonders and illustrate them

At first I was at a bit of a loss for this one.  The word "illustrate" brings to mind drawing, painting, etc, which I don't really do in a way that illustrates God's wonders.  But there are other ways to illustrate God's wonders.

But before you illustrate them, you have to see them.  Something I love about myself is my affinity for colour.  I loooove colour.  I suppose most people do, me no more than any other.  Idk.  Somehow colour makes me so happy.  I just like that about me.

Another thing I love is that I notice the tiny things.  And I don't just notice, I'm enthralled.  I want to capture them and put them on display.  Some people are big picture people.  They see the sunsets and sunrises and ocean views and mountain vistas and they are overcome by the majesty of it all.  And I guess I am too.  I mean hey, look at the colour in a sunrise or a sunset, am I right?  I've seen mountains that leave me breathless, and the ocean is my happy place; I can never take enough photos of the water cresting at the beach. 
But I feel like not as many people notice the little things.  Not everyone looks down much, and they miss out on some pretty cool things.  I mean, take snails for instance.  They're slugs with shells on their backs... living away from water... and also sea creatures wear the same kind of shell.  It's amazing.  And the colours of these wee things are incredible as well.  Most people look at snails as pests and hate them, but they are beautiful.  Same thing with weeds; people hate them and kill them, but they are so pretty.

Anyway, so I'm realizing there are more ways than just drawing or painting to illustrate God's wonders.  The first part of this identity exercise is that I SEE them.  That is a gift from God.  I love that he made me that way.  I know that not everyone has an eye for that.

The second part is illustrating them.  I can do that through pictures like these.  I can do it through words in story or poetry.  I can do it through music.  

And that's another thing.  I think the way that God communicates so uniquely with different people astounding.  He created me with music in me, and then he chooses to sing to me time and again.  He doesn't have to.  He gave us the Bible and that should be enough.  But he's kind and gracious and knows we are dust, so he reaches out to us according to our nature or bent, if only we have eyes to see and ears to hear.  


I am most grateful to him for creating me this way, as someone who is drawn to beauty and has eyes to see his wonders.  I'm grateful he has given me the tools and the talent to illustrate the wonders I do notice.  He is a good God.

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