Tuesday, November 7, 2023

identity exercise: spirited


Uh oh... spirited?  That doesn't sound positive to me.  Why would someone say that one?  When I start to get what I would call "spirited," I hate myself.  I feel like I'm obnoxious and embarrassing to people around me.  

So what does sit mean to be spirited?  Clearly, whoever gave that word to me, meant it in a positive way. Synonyms for "spirited" include animated, bold, bright, courageous, energetic, enthusiastic, fearless, fiery, gutsy, passionate, peppy, resolute, spunky, vigourous.  Interesting... courageous is another one of the words people have given me.  Passionate is definitely something I feel about some things - people usually tell me to stop yelling at them and ask me if I'm mad at them when I'm speaking with passion...

Here's the thing.  I've lived a passionless life for years.  I usually feel flatlined, with the occasional downward blip.  It's not a good life to live.  I want to be spirited, I guess.  To me, being spirited means having opinions and not being afraid to share them.  It means feeling strongly about something.  It means being fun to be around.  It means maybe being silly sometimes.  I think it's ok to have fun, to have opinions. I think it's amazing to have  desire to speak for justice.  It's good to be resolute - to decide to move forward no matter what, and to carry through.  

So I guess being spirited is a good thing.  And it's partly what makes me, me.

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